As the epicenter of Silicon Valley, Mountain View attracts people who want to live close to their work in a city with parks, great schools, and spectacular places to shop and play. I’m proud we’re a Prohousing city. We need to continue earning the title by producing, preserving and protecting high-quality affordable and market-rate housing.
The Below Market Rate (BMR) Housing Program is one of the most important ways the city builds affordable housing. I believe we need to strengthen BMR affordability requirements to serve more low-income and moderate-income households. Vulnerable populations, like seniors and people with disabilities, need to be protected.
Housing growth is an opportunity to welcome new families and local workers to Mountain View while preserving the character of our communities. I believe in building more homes, especially in-fill housing. I’ll also protect trees and green spaces which are crucial to public health – density and livability can coexist.
Last year, at least 562 people in Mountain View experienced homelessness. I’m proud of the renovation of the Crestview Hotel, the new LifeMoves transitional housing site, and our Safe Parking Program. I want to build on these important efforts to help Santa Clara County reach functional zero homelessness.
Displacement protection is vital to helping our neighbors stay in Mountain View. I will work to strengthen displacement protections like the Tenant Relocation Assistance Ordinance and Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Ordinance. I also strongly support community land trusts.
In order to facilitate the construction of new and renovated housing, the city’s permitting process needs to be streamlined. I propose exploring how AI can help us. Companies like Sidewalk Labs are using AI to solve urban development challenges. We should harness AI because our development process should be as innovative as the people it serves.
Read more about my housing ideas here.