Public Safety
Public safety is the most important service the city provides. Our Police and Fire Departments need to be fully staffed and equipped with the tools they need. I support the construction of a new public safety building, since our current offices are outdated and need to be strengthened against earthquakes.
Property theft is rising, and everyone deserves to feel safe. I support the expanded use of automated license plate readers (ALPRs) to track and apprehend suspects. ALPR use must protect residents’ civil rights and personal privacy.
The Fire Department provides life-saving fire protection, EMS, and code compliance services. I stand ready to aid the Department through increased funding for personnel training, Information Technology upgrades, and personal protective equipment.
Safe streets are a top priority for me. We should use every tool at our disposal to prevent reckless driving. I will focus on Safe Routes to School, high danger intersections and roadways like El Camino. I support the expansion of Class IV Protected Bike Lanes, no right turn on red, road diets and high-visibility crosswalks.
I propose modernizing our Police Department by ending the use of canine force. This policy aligns with California Assembly Bill 742, which applies to all suspects unless the person is being pursued for a felony that threatened or resulted in the death of or serious bodily injury to another person and the person poses an imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury to the officer or to another person.
Read more about my public safety ideas here.